Personal Wine Blog

How Wine Will Save Your Next Thanksgiving Dinner

Written by Kelly Black | November 1, 2017

“Thanksgiving is all about getting your entire dysfunctional family under the same roof and hoping the police don’t get called.”

That quote may have been said by an anonymous person, but it describes what so many of us feel: that as delicious as the food is, sometimes the company overshadows the great meal. So what are people to do? Drink.

In this scenario, people drink. Different situations on Thanksgiving call for different wine protocol. But don’t worry – we’ve got you covered. Here are four scenarios you might find yourself in this Thanksgiving and what wine product you should bring in each situation.




When You Are the Host

If you are having Thanksgiving dinner at your house, you need to make sure that you have enough wine for all of the friends and family who will be with you for or the meal. Think large bottles of wine. There’s a great selection of large format bottles on our website. Choose several, and then personalize them in a clever way so as to start conversation. Create a label for one that says, “What are you thankful for?” Another label could ask, “What’s your most creative way to use Thanksgiving leftovers?” Still another could have a label that says, “What person here do you wish you knew better?” Place the bottles strategically on the Thanksgiving table so that the guests can see them, pour a drink from them, and use them to get the conversation going around the table. 






When You Are a Guest

When you’re a guest at someone’s house for Thanksgiving and they ask you to bring something to share at the dinner, bring a bottle of champagne that can then be turned into a keepsake for the host. Pick a beautiful bottle of bubbly and have a message of gratitude etched onto the bottle, something simple like “Thanksgiving [year]” or a quote about giving thanks, like “Not what we say about our blessings but how we use them is the true measure of our thanksgiving.” (W.T. Purkiser) The host has a great bottle of bubbly to have a toast with at dinner and a beautiful personalized bottle he or she can keep for years.




When You Are in Charge of Dessert

You have to bring dessert? You don’t bake and you’re panicking because how can wine save you when this happens? Take a deep breath. Here’s the secret to Thanksgiving dessert: make the package beautiful! Our wine glasses don’t need to just be for wine. Order one for each of the guests at the meal and etch a simple message that says “Thanksgiving [year]” on the front. Then fill it with a small amount of instant pumpkin spice pudding, which you can make in literally seven minutes from a box mix – just add milk! Put a scoop of the pudding in the wineglass and top it with a crushed gingersnap cookie. Voila! Your wineglass dessert will be a beautiful and tasty end to the dinner – and you didn’t have to spend hours baking to make it.


When You Need a Gift for the Host

Sometimes no matter how much you offer to bring something to contribute to the Thanksgiving meal, the host insists that you don’t have to bring anything. Which would be great if you weren’t hearing your mother’s voice whispering in your ear about how you should never, ever show up at a party empty-handed. Ever. Thankfully, we have you covered in that scenario too. Choose from our beautiful cutting boards and engrave a message of thanks on the front, something like “Eat, Drink, and Give Thanks.” Your host will have a great gift to keep to remember the year that he or she hosted Thanksgiving dinner. 


Certain things just go with Thanksgiving – the parade, football, families around a table, and great food. We just made it easy for you to add wine to that list, and make it an integral part of this beautiful day.