Personal Wine Blog

Wine News From Around the Web

Written by Morgan Ainsworth | November 21, 2014


Trey Ratcliff via

This week's wine news features an app that recommends beer and wine based on your preferences to a Thanksgiving wine-pairing cheat sheet. Warning: best read with a glass of wine in your hand.

Thanksgiving Wine-Pairing Cheat Sheet

With Thanksgiving right around the corner, be sure to check out this infographic telling you exactly how to pair your turkey and sides. Gobble gobble!

UK wine trade slow to react to Millennials' sweet tooth

The Millennial generation has gathered a sweet tooth in their wine, with 44% of consumers believing they are better quality than drier wines. We don't discriminate on our wine choices. Actually that's a lie, what's the ABV?

Australia may replace France as top exporter of wine to China

After China and Australia sign their free trade agreement, there is likely to be an explosive growth of Australian wine imports into the country. France: "Bring it on!". Australia: "Oh it's been brought..."

French Liquor Maker Grand Marnier Said to Explore Sale

Iconic Grand Marnier Group (MALA), maker of cognac, armagnac, pineau, and wine, is exploring a sale of the company. Shares have jumped 8.5%, valuing the company at $433.09 million. Carrie Bradshaw from Sex in the City favored their iconic cognac in her Cosmopolitans.

This App Knows Your Drink Preference Better Than You Do

Welcome to the 21st century, where an app can tell you what alcohol to consume next. NextGlass helps you manage your beer and wine options by recommending different brands based on your preferences. We call it the Pandora of alcohol. Gotta love technology!